By default any logic/cell in the given by power domain will use the domain primary supply to power that logic. To override this default rule user can explicitly write connect_supply_net command to connect the any specific PG pin of the cell with needed supply net in UPF.
Let us understand this with example.
Why this is needed . Consider a level shifter cell , which has 2 power net. Now connecting both the power net to a domain primary power net will end up in electrical problem. So one PG pin can be connected to domain primary power net which will be by default. For another PG pin we can use connect_supply_net command to connect it to a required supply net in UPF.
Design :
module top (in1,..);
LS_CELL i_ls (.A(in1),.Z(w1));
create_supply_net VDD
connect_supply_net VDD -ports {i_ls/VDD1}
Let us understand this with example.
Why this is needed . Consider a level shifter cell , which has 2 power net. Now connecting both the power net to a domain primary power net will end up in electrical problem. So one PG pin can be connected to domain primary power net which will be by default. For another PG pin we can use connect_supply_net command to connect it to a required supply net in UPF.
Design :
module top (in1,..);
LS_CELL i_ls (.A(in1),.Z(w1));
create_supply_net VDD
connect_supply_net VDD -ports {i_ls/VDD1}